Saturday, May 12, 2007

Pollination is an important step in the reproduction of seed plants... or so says Wikipedia.

Pollination seems pretty simple to me. I mean, if there's pollen waiting to be moved, a willing pollinator waiting to move it, and a receptive flower stigma... then what is the problem? I'll tell you the problem: pollinators such as bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, moths, some flies, some wasps, and nectar feeding bats don't know and/or don't give two craps how much plants benefit from their unique miraculous maneuvers. They are just selfishly concerned with meeting their own energy requirements for survival. They are painfully unaware that part of their existence is to be spent fertilizing these flowers in order to help them develop seeds. There is no communication between the pollinator and the pollinated. I look outside and I don't see any bees, wasps, nectar feeding bats. Instead I see a bunch of lonely flowers who will never get the opportunity to develop seeds...


Cat said...

" Reproduction, REPRODUCTION!" "Where does the pollen gooooo?"
Grease 2, anyone? ;)

Dana said...

i don't understand this :(