I did!!! So it started a few weeks ago when Matt said he wanted to start watching LOST. I refused. I simply don't have time to pick up a TV show after it's been on for like 3 seasons!!! Then I remembered something interesting: I have nothing BUT time, so I said OK. That was three days ago. In the past 72 hours, I have spent about 24 of those hours sleeping, and 12 of those hours curled up on the couch watching Season 1 and I'm only like 1/3 of the way through! There are SEVEN disks to Season 1!! After the first disk was over, I demanded more. Our blockbuster didn't have it, so we had to drive to another one. Thank God they had disc 2 and 3. Finished Disk 3 tonight. Just 16 more hours left of Season 1, then I will move onto Season 2. I think I'm an addict. Now I feel like I have my foot in the door of the exclusive club of LOST watchers. You know those people.... who are always asking, "hey dude, do you watch Lost?". I would be willing to bet either YOU have asked that question to someone, or someone has asked that question of YOU. Now you can ask ME!!! but please wait at least 150 more hours.
you know just as you are getting into it they will cancel it!!
Yay!! Isn't it great?! Be prepared to get a little frustrated when you don't get the answers you want so badly though. They definitely know how to hook you and keep you guessing! This season's finale was so friggin good - even though all it did was create a whole other list of questions :)
Dude, my favorite show EVER! The cultish aspect reminds me of the long ago days of Twin Peaks. Only the cool people made it through that entire series (and then watched the movie at the theater). :)
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