Somewhere, some place in any gym you go to you will see a sign that explains that loud noises and/or swearing is disruptive to others trying to work out around you. You'd THINK that this was common sense-- who REALLY grunts while they work out?!?!? I mean, besides the creepy bald guy at MY gym... who, despite, the posted "no grunts, swearing, loud noises" allowed sign, continues to make the most offensive noises while he is bench pressing. I swear he is doing it on purpose... nobody makes those sounds uncontrollably.... do they?? and is it a coincidence that he just happens to always be on machine near ME?!? I hate you bald creepy grunting bastard, I hate you!
P.S. I googled creepy gym guy and up came this pic of carrot top.... what a FREAK!
We have a guy like that at our gym - his ridiculous breathing makes me giggle and then I can't keep lifting weights. The guy is a mid-life crisis poster child.
There is a guy in my yoga class that makes the creepiest quasi-sex moans ever! And you know it's pretty much silent in there other than the light sounds of Enya filling the room. I feel dirty when I leave.
I thought that pic was of some horrible drag queen. Now I can rest easy knowing it's Carrot Top. :)
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