Warning: Rant Ahead!
First let me begin by saying I am a mom of a non-walking child (for maybe a couple of more months). I don't live in your shoes. I don't know, yet, what it's like to run after a kid on their feet. However, I do comprehend the meaning of 'annoying' and 'lack of discipline'.... and when you let your kid run around like a maniac in a social setting harassing people around them, it's all I can do to keep myself from tripping your precious snot nosed ankle biter! It is annoying when I take my infant child to story time at the library and you let your walking child run around the room while my baby is trying to pay attention (ie: stare) at the lady reading the book. It is annoying when your walking child has found his/her way to my diaper bag where they start taking stuff out of it forcing me to deal w/ your child while you sit clueless on the other side of the room (again, during story time). It is annoying when your walking child is climbing on everything and causing a rucus (yes, during story time!!). Why are you even AT the library? Better yet why are you crashing the infant class where the good moms are sitting on the floor with their kids listening and singing songs w/ Mother Goose? (the lady who runs Tiny Tales- her name not mine!). Oooooh, I know why... because this is your time to socialize with OTHER moms who are there not watching their walking children...I get it. Here's a thought, either put your kids on a leash, or teach them how to act in a library. That does not include ripping books off shleves and throwing them on to the floor, climbing up on stacks of chairs, and/ or running and being loud. Yes, I realize they are just "babies" and don't "know better" but ......um........when do you think would be an appropriate time to teach them? Just sayin. Believe me, I am not on a high horse here... my kid can be just as annoying- but when it becomes an issue of me not being able to control it, I TAKE MY KID OUTSIDE. This is not an occurance that exists only inside library walls...no, no..... this happens at the park, at the grocery store, bookstores, starbucks, the list goes on. I think a lot of this mommy angst stems from being a teacher of 8-9 year olds where the annoyance factor runs HIGH and if you don't nip those annoying behaviors as soon as they start, then it's like letting the genie out of the bottle. So please non-attentive moms of walking children, do us other moms a favor and take your kids to a chic fil a playplace where you can sit inside and ignore how annoying your child is being toward other adults and children through the glass....because why waste the time and energy of actually TEACHING them?
Short Fuse
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