Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I have a Toddler.

I just read over my rant a few months back regarding unruly toddler monsters and moms who don't watch them. I *might* should probably kick my own ass for being ignorant to the world of mothers w/ toddlers. I learned a lot from being in a music class over the summer with the only mobile child. It's effing hard. I get it now. BUT there's still no excuse to turn your cheek and let them run around like maniacs or think other people are watching them because they are simply in the same room as you OR think it's ok to let them mess with things that aren't theirs- like my diaper bag. Get your snot nosed toddler monsters away from me!!!!!!! I have my own snot nosed toddler monster to deal with! Sheesh.


Anonymous said...'s a beyotch.

Me said...

ha! Yes, I can be... but why do you insist on being "anonymous?" hmm.